This job opportunity is being advertised on behalf of the following organization and is not a Manitoba government civil service position.
Capital Planning Region, Board Member
MEM Board Member
Board of the Capital Planning Region
Winnipeg MB
Advertisement Number: 40408
Closing Date:
February 1, 2023
The Manitoba government recognizes the importance of building an exemplary public service reflective of the citizens it serves, where diverse abilities, backgrounds, cultures, identities, languages and perspectives drives a high standard of service and innovation.
The Manitoba government supports equitable employment practices and promotes representation of designated groups (women, Indigenous people, persons with disabilities, visible minorities).
Employment Equity is a factor in selection for this competition. Consideration will be given to women, Indigenous people, visible minorities and persons with disabilities.
Directors will serve a three-year term, after which they may be re-appointed and continue to hold office until a successor is appointed.
A final decision on remuneration is pending. For reference purposes, remuneration levels for other MR boards can be found at the following link Province of Manitoba | Agencies, Boards and Commissions (
The Province has formally established the Capital Planning Region (CPR) to enhance economic and social development by improving and coordinating sustainable land use in the region with 18 member municipalities. This is a new statutory corporation created by provincial legislation that builds on the legacy created by the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region. The Board of the Capital Planning Region must consist of one director from each regional member municipality.
The Minister of Municipal Relations will appoint up to four additional members, who are accountable to a municipal-provincial regional partnership framework. Provincial appointments will represent a broad cross-section of skills, interests, experience and expertise. Nominees should share a commitment to working collaboratively with the municipally-appointed directors to promote cooperation and consensus in achieving the long term goals of sustainable development among all partners in the capital region. This includes a commitment to Indigenous reconciliation in all forms.
To view a copy of the application form use the following links:
Please click here to access application form_English
Please click here to access application form_ French
Conditions of Employment:
- Must be legally entitled to work in Canada
The nominees must:
- Be eighteen (18) years of age as of the date of the appointment
- Be a resident of Manitoba
- Have a strong commitment to regional coordination and regional land use planning and development
- Have strong communication skills demonstrated through experience presenting to elected government officials, agency or corporate leaders and large public groups
- Have demonstrated experience in Indigenous reconciliation
- Have the time to prepare for, attend and effectively participate in their respective role at board meetings
- Comply with conflict of interest guidelines and a code of conduct
Selection of board members will also be based on a minimum of five years of demonstrated competencies from a range of knowledge, skills, and experience such as:
- Board governance (public, private, or not-for-profit)
- Understanding local government operations
- Land use, economic development, infrastructure planning, environmental stewardship
- Experience in initiating, scaling up and sustaining organizations
- Understanding regional planning approaches and related dynamics
- Strategic planning and risk management
- Experience working within the public sector or with elected and non-elected officials at a senior level
- Strong engagement skills and ability to understand and negotiate different perspectives
- Political acumen
- Applying appropriate equity, diversity and inclusion objectives
- Directors also must understand the complexities of the region and recognize the fiscal, social, economic and environmental challenges and opportunities
The following are NOT eligible for appointment as directors:
- Employees and board members of corporations with interests in commercial and residential real estate and land development
- Elected officials
The CPR Board is responsible for: (a) adopting a regional plan that is set in by-laws; (b) facilitating and promoting regional considerations in providing infrastructure and services; (c) leading the development of regional responses to the planning issues of its member municipalities; and (d) identifying and promoting opportunities for the regional member municipalities to cooperate in the cost-effective development of infrastructure and the provision of services on a regional basis.
The board must ensure that the organization complies with applicable legislation, regulations and provincial policies. It has a strategic role in setting direction for the planning region and a fiduciary role in policy formulation, decision-making, and oversight.
Apply Now:
Advertisement # 40408
Service Centre 2
Human Resource Services
360-1395 Ellice Avenue
Winnipeg, MB, R3G 3P2
Phone: 204-945-7182
Fax: 204-948-2841
Applicants may request reasonable accommodation related to the materials or activities used throughout the selection process.
When applying to this position, please indicate the advertisement number and position title in the subject line and/or body of your email.
Your cover letter, resumé and/or application must clearly indicate how you meet the qualifications.
Please be advised that job competitions for represented positions may be grieved by internal represented applicants. Should a selection grievance be filed, information from the competition file will be provided to the grievor's representative. Personal information irrelevant to the grievance and other information protected under legislation will be redacted.
We thank all who apply and advise that only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.